Microscopy and Image Analysis Core

The Microscopy and Image Analysis Core is comprised of three labs: Optical Microscopy, Automated Microscopy, and Electron Microscopy and Histology. The labs were established in 1998 and provide extensive training on the independent use of microscopes to Weill Cornell Medicine research faculty and staff, postdoctoral fellows, and graduate and medical students.

Core Technologies/Services

  • Training on all microscopes, equipment, and image analysis and assisted microscopy sessions
  • Consultation on experimental design, image analysis, and sample prep
  • Sample prep and sectioning for electron microscopy and histology
  • Imaging for electron microscopy and H&E staining for histology (paraffin and frozen sections)


  • Zeiss AxioScan 7 Whole slide scanner with brightfield and fluorescence imaging
  • Zeiss AxioObserver 7 Widefield/fluorescence microscope
  • Sartorius Incucyte SX5 HD incubator microscopy for live cell imaging
  • Leica UC7 Ultramicrotome
  • Aquifer HIVE Core + Data Management
  • Zeiss LSM880 laser scanning confocal microscope with 7 laser lines, 2 PMTs and 1 GaAsP (32 channel spectral) detector, Airyscan and Fast Airyscan high resolution detector, incubation chamber for live cell imaging (inverted stand)
  • Leica SP8 laser scanning confocal microscope (upright stand) with 4 laser lines, 1 PMT + 3 HyD detectors and a MaiTai Deep See pulsed laser and 3 HyD external detectors for Multiphoton imaging
  • Zeiss Axioscope 5 wide field/histology microscope, computer & monitor
  • Miltenyi Ultrascope II laser light sheet with 5 laser lines
  • Separate workstations for image analysis including Imaris, ZEN, MetaMorph and FIJI
  • ImageXpress Micro Confocal Imager provides automated imaging of fixed or live cells in wide field or spinning disk confocal modes with 5 fluorescence channels, transmitted light and phase contrast imaging
  • 1Thermo Scientific Orbitor RS2 Microplate Mover
  • Agilent/BioTek 405 TS Plate Washer
  • MultiDrop384 dispensers and BioTek plate washer for sample prep
  • Workstations for 2D and 3D image analysis
  • JEOL JSM1400 tranmission electron microscope
  • 2 Leica Ultracut T ultramicrotomes (for resin blocks)
  • Pelco EasiGlow plasma cleaner
  • EMS vacuum evaporator for carbon deposition on grids
  • 2 Leica rotary microtomes (for paraffin blocks)
  • 2 TissueTek VIP150 tissue processors (paraffin)
  • 1 TissueTek paraffin embedding station with cooling plate
  • Bright OTF6000 Cryostat

Visit the website.

Office of the Research Dean Weill Cornell Medicine 1300 York Ave. New York, NY 10065 researchdean@med.cornell.edu