Special Precautions for Travel to High Risk Countries, including China, Russia, and Venezuela
High risk countries—namely China, Russia, Venezuela, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, and Syria—represent foreign entities that pose a high risk of compromise or other security attack against the USA.Take only the minimum number of electronic devices needed for your trip. You are to leave your WCM devices at home.
- Take only the minimum number of electronic devices needed for your trip. You are strongly encouraged to leave your WCM devices at home.
- Submit a request to borrow a laptop from the Library. Some high risk countries, including China, prohibit the import of encrypted devices, and taking a standard WCM laptop into the country poses a real risk of your device being compromised.
- If possible, you should not access websites containing sensitive information (e.g., financial, health, etc.) while connected to public Wi-Fi networks.
- Chinese officials often block the use of VPN software to protect your privacy on the internet, but you can attempt to use VPN software from ITS to access WCM resources while abroad.
- Keep electronic devices in your possession; hotel staff often have access to in-room safes.
- If you are traveling to China, Russia, or Venezuela, you must complete the Electronic Export Information (EEI) filing. Instructions for completing the EEI can be found here: Job Aid: Export Control Travel Filing
- To make the EEI filing, each individual traveler needs to know the export control classification number (ECCN) for all items being reported. The ECCNs for devices can be found in the documents below, according to device type: