HRC METS Success!
We are so pleased to announce the successful launch of our HRC Monthly Training and Education Series (HRC METS)! We had over 100 participants joining us yesterday from across our different campuses for our inaugural session, IRB101: An Introduction to the WCM IRB. Thank you to all who were able to join us and for your excellent questions and feedback.
We hope to see both familiar and new faces at our next session:
IRB101: The Informed Consent Form
Elements of the IC Form, Checking Readability, and Ensuring Understanding
Thursday, August 18th, 2022
11:00am until 12noon
Reminder: Don’t forget to sign up for the next ClinicalTrials.gov Training
Join Lauren Odynocki, Sr. Compliance Analyst and ClinicalTrials.gov Administrator, as she covers regulatory requirements and practical, nuts-and-bolts information about how to successfully register trials, maintain public records, and post results.
Thursday, August 4th, 2022
1:30pm – 3:00pm
Registration required: Register with your WCM email address here

If you are utilizing electronic health records…
The WCM Information Technologies & Services department offers De-Identification and Honest Broker Services to investigators utilizing electronic health records for their retrospective and/or prospective studies. To learn more, visit the Architecture for Research Computing in Health (ARCH) site, or email arch-support@med.cornell.edu.
We now offer consultation services!
We offer consultation hours to assist investigators, study coordinators, residents, and students with pre-review and other questions about IRB submissions.
See what people are saying:
Thirty-minute appointments are offered via Zoom during the following times:
Mondays: 11:00am – 1:00pm
Thursdays: 10:00am – 12:00pm, and 2:00pm – 4:00pm
Researchers may use their 30-minute session to receive assistance in:
- Determining the feasibility of a project and possible regulatory implications
- Pre-reviewing your draft IRB application, including your protocol and consent form
- General questions about the IRB and other regulatory requirements.
Click the button below now or find it at any time on any page of our website, to book a consult!

New IRB review application forms for initial submissions are coming soon!
We will soon be launching a new IRB Review Application template for new submissions to replace the current one. Please be on the lookout for an email announcement from us soon.