The United States Federal Government, including the National Institutes of Health (NIH), cotinues to focus on foreign (non-U.S.) influence on research activities. Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) is committed to working with the Federal Government and overseeing the conduct of research in a manner that ensures the integrity of the research process and maintains the public trust and that of sponsors in the integrity and credibility of its faculty, its staff, and its research programs.

To that end, WCM requires that all non-U.S. activities, including travel, consulting, collaborations, academic appointments, etc., be disclosed on the individual's Conflicts Survey regardless of dollar amount or time commitment. Further, we encourage you to visit WCM's Export Controls website for more information on non-U.S. activities.

Related Pages:

Icon of External Activitiesicon of Start Up Activities and ConsultingIcon of Other Activities

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Contact the COI Office
(646) 962-8200

Office of the Research Dean Weill Cornell Medicine 1300 York Ave. New York, NY 10065