Research Awards and Grant Writing Resources

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Library Resources

Library Guides: Core Facilities and Grant Writing

The Library's LibGuides provide guides for subject areas and the Core Facilities.

Citation and Research Impact Services (includes VIVO, VIVO Dashboard)

The Library’s suite of bibliometric services includes VIVO Profile, which provides faculty members with a profile of their publications, grants and research interests.  It also offers VIVO Dashboard, which illustrates research impact over three time slices and enables user interaction with the data. This is designed for faculty chairs and division chiefs. 

T-32 Table Assistance

As of October, 2019, T32 training tables are produced within NIH’s xTRACT system. Given a list of CWIDs, the Library can provide a list of PMIDs and other bibliographic metadata, which can be quickly entered into xTRACT.


The Library maintains a database of known publications by WCM faculty, students, and staff. It currently contains 236,000+ authors on 155,000+ articles. While we do not offer self-service reporting or feedback, we will respond rapidly to requests (e.g., list of PMIDs for one or more individuals) or corrections. 

Predatory Publishers – a new challenge that has arisen in the last decade.

Systematic Reviews Service

Systematic reviews are the second highest form of evidence, after clinical practice guidelines.  Our highly qualified team of faculty librarians can assist researchers in conducting compelling systematic reviews.

WCM Institutional Repository

eCommons is Cornell University’s institutional repository - a free, open access platform, providing long-term access to a broad range of content that supports a variety of formats including papers, posters, dissertations, theses, and data. eCommons allows open access to the scholarly work of the WCM & NYP community via persistent links, providing a stable, unique, online location (URL) for your work.

Data Core 

A secure, scalable, computing and storage environment that permits users to share a collection of data sets and process them with a variety of software tools, while meeting appropriate regulatory requirements. It can support secure and non-secure data analysis by research teams, including non-Weill Cornell collaborators.

Data Catalog 

Our internal catalog allows researchers to make their own datasets discoverable to others at WCM.  Containing descriptions and metadata, not the datasets themselves,  it permits users to search by title, description, data elements, keywords, or data governance. Click here to submit new datasets for display in the catalog.

Bioinformatics Service 

The  Bioinformatics Service includes consultations, demonstrations, workshops in data science and genomics, and walk-in clinics.  The service supports access to licensed databases like KEGG, and software support for Jupyter Notebooks, R-studio, and the genomics analysis tools Lasergene and IPA.  Library faculty are skilled at sequence analysis, phylogenetics, gene expression analysis, and data visualization.

Scientific Software Hub

The Library provides information and access to software licensed for WCM use, or freely available. We also help groups who would like to share the licensing costs of specialized software - use the "Register interest in software" link. We also support users to access data from many online repositories.

Grant Editing Service

Our free editing service applies the four Cs – correction, consistency, concision, and clarity – to improve the language, not the science, of your grant application. Although we prioritize requests from junior faculty, all WCM grant applicants may use our service.