Flow Cytometry Core

The Flow Cytometry Core Facility (FCCF) strives to maximize scientific impact by providing expertise and training in all aspects of flow cytometry and by offering reliable yet cutting-edge instrumentation. The FCCF began as a joint venture between Weill Cornell Medicine and the Hospital for Special Surgery in 2016 and offers expert-operated cell sorting, customer-operated FACS analysis, training for self-operation of FCCF cytometers, and consultation regarding experimental design and data interpretation. These services, alongside cutting-edge, expertly-maintained instrumentation, fulfill the FCCF mission of striving to maximize the utility and scientific impact of flow cytometry for all clients.  

Core Technologies/Services

  • Expert-operated cell sorting
  • Self-service analysis
  • Training for self-service analysis, and consultation


  • BD Symphony S6 (3)
  • BD Influx cell sorter
  • Sony MA900 cell sorter
  • BD FACSAria II SORP cell sorter (2)
  • BD FACSymphony A5
  • BD LSR Fortessa SORP
  • BD FACSCelesta

See more here.

Office of the Research Dean Weill Cornell Medicine 1300 York Ave. New York, NY 10065 researchdean@med.cornell.edu