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Flow Cytometry


The WCM CLC Flow Cytometry Core Facility offers state-of-the-art fluorescence activated cell sorting (FACS) instruments and services, and expertise in their applications, to the Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) community and to outside investigators. The facility also provides consultation on project design and data analysis, and offers educational workshops, seminars and training.

  • Partnering for quality flow cytometry to maximize scientific impact.
  • Providing cutting edge instrumentation maintained and quality controlled to the highest standard.
  • Serving the scientific community through innovative training and education.
  • Focused on reliable, valuable, and quality services.
  • Striving for continual improvement for our partners and staff.


History: The Flow Cytometry Core Facility was established in 2012 by the Department of Pathology and became part of the institutional WCM Core Laboratories Center (CLC) in 2015.  The facility expanded into a multi-institutional core in 2016 as part of a collaboration between Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) and the Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS). 

Location: The core is located in the sub-basement level of the “E” building in room E-0033, 1300 York Avenue, New York, NY. 

WCM Core Laboratories Center (CLC): The WCM CLC was established in 2015.  The CLC includes core facilities that offer resources and services in genomics and epigenomics, proteomics and metabolomics, flow cytometry, imaging (e.g., optical and electron microscopy, high content screening, MRI, PET/CT, and ultrasound), synthetic and analytical chemistry, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). 

Open to all: The resources and services of the core facility are open to all investigators at Weill Cornell Medicine, Cornell University and Cornell-affiliated institutions.  The facility also provides services to external investigators at both academic institutions and commercial enterprises.


Cell sorters: 

BD AriaII sorter, 5 laser (355, 405, 488, 561, 640) capable of 4 way sorting, assisted use only

BD Influx sorter, 6 laser (355, 405, 445, 488, 561, 640) capable of 6 way sorting, assisted use only

Analytical cytometers:

BD Fortessa analyzer, 5 laser (355, 405, 488, 561, 640) 20 parameter, self-service

BD FACSCelesta analyzer, 3 laser (405, 488, 561) 14 parameter, self-service

Data analysis:

Provide licenses for popular flow cytomtry analysis software packages; FCS Express, FlowJo. 

Data analysis workstation located in core facility loaded with latest analysis software available on an hourly basis with assistance and consultation from core staff. 

PDF iconOptical layout of sorters and analyzers

PDF icon Preparing for sorting guide




Core staff is available to consult on all things Flow Cytometry; experiment design, choosing fluorochromes, sample preparation etc.  

Operator Assisted Sorting

Cell sorting service provided by highly skilled staff to users on an hourly basis on our BD FACS Aria and BD Influx sorters.  Available Monday and Friday 10am to 5pm, Tuesday thru Thursday 10am to 7pm.

Self-Service Analyzers

BD Fortessa and BD Celesta analysis instruments available 24/7 to flow core trained or certified users.  

Seminars, Workshops, and Training

Monthly Introduction to Flow Cytometry Class with Hands-on Analyzer Session.  Designed for new or novice users but often helpful as a brush-up for more seasoned researchers.  Note: this course is a prerequisite for self-service analyzer use in our core.   

Sponsor and host a variety of informative and educational seminars through out the year.  Watch out for center wide email announcements. 

Data Analysis

Provide licenses for popular flow cytomtry analysis software packages; FCS Express, FlowJo. 

Data analysis workstation located in core facility loaded with latest analysis software available on an hourly basis with assistance and consultation from core staff. 

Contact Information

Jason McCormick
Co-Manager, WCM CLC Flow Cytometry Core Facility
(646) 926-7611

Tomas Baumgartner
Co-Manager, WCM CLC Flow Cytometry Core Facility
(646) 926-7611

More Information

For more information about services and pricing, to register as a user of the core, to submit samples, to schedule time on the instruments, and/or to arrange for training, please go to the WCM iLab portal at http://wcmc.corefacilities.org. Please select the Flow Cytometry Core Facility once you are on the iLab page. 

For additional information on services, consultation, and pricing please contact one of the managers via email or at their on-site facility in E-0033. 

Contact Information

Core Contact: Jason McCormick; Tom Baumgartner

Email: jam2073@med.cornell.edu; tob2008@med.cornell.edu

Phone: (646) 962-7611

Office of the Research Dean Weill Cornell Medicine 1300 York Ave. New York, NY 10065 researchdean@med.cornell.edu