In-Depth Financial Management of Awards Learning Series (IFMA)
ETRA is thrilled to offer to the community of Research Administrators, the In-Depth Financial Management of Awards Learning Series (IFMA).
The IFMA series of 4 sessions of 3 hours allows participants to learn and work on post award financial management of grants and funds.
Each participant will be actively working at a computer in case studies on excel templates specially designed for that purpose and will have the opportunity to manipulate data an dvarious information on his/her own.
Participants will get great excel templates to keep with them and work with at the office.
Sessions # 1 and #2 : Monitor and Reconcile your PI’s Portfolio (multiple WBS Accounts and multiple funds) & Prepare a monthly financial report for that PI’s Portfolio.
Session # 3: Building a 12 month-rolling budget when a new grant comes in a research lab.
Session # 4: Projection & forecasting principles to define a laboratory financial situation for the next 3 years.
VERY IMPORTANT: It is a pre-requisite that participants should have a very good understanding of grants budget, change of funding calculations, mandatory cost sharing, effort tracking, salary calculations, calculations relevant to sub-award, IDC calculations and stewardship financial responsibilities in post-award.
Typically, participants of the E2RA Advanced course are ready for the IFMA course. If you didn't take the Advanced E2RA course, please give a call to Helene Brazier-Mitouart to discuss or email her at
--> If you are interested to attend the IFMA series, please email to save your spot!!
Thinking about a training module that would be great to have?
Please do not hesitate to email to discuss your idea and make it happen!