The Weill Cornell Medicine (WCM) Office of Research Compliance (ORC), in the Finance Department is committed to facilitating research activities in accordance with all applicable laws, rules, and regulations. We believe that our commitment starts with education and training of our faculty, students, and staff involved with research. Therefore the ORC, in partnership with Health Care Compliance Strategies, has developed a training program to assist WCM employees in the day-to-day processes of research administration. This program is intended to address both institutional and statutory requirements that arise in the grant application process. All key personnel, investigators, faculty, department administrators, and divisional administrators must complete all mandatory sections of the program in order to be compliant.
All modules of the program are web-based. The focus of the program is learning and understanding processes as opposed to memorizing text. This aspect of adult learning theory will continue to be an essential component of our education and training initiatives. In light of the changing nature of research compliance the ORC will make updates to this program as necessary and requires employees to take the Research Compliance Training program at least every four years. The ORC will also utilize other means of communication such as broadcast e-mails and network meetings to update employees of any changes as needed.