Collaborative Research Development Grant - Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance

Deadline Date: 
April, 2017

Ovarian Cancer Research Fund Alliance is requesting Letters of Intent for the 2018 Collaborative Research Development Grant (formerly called the Program Project Development Grant). The purpose of this grantmaking program is to provide funds for ovarian cancer research projects that may involve several investigators within one institution or collaborations between groups in multiple institutions. Interdisciplinary collaborations are encouraged.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

1. The Principal Investigator (one Principal Investigator must be selected) and other investigators must have full-time faculty appointments in a school of medicine or public health or recognized non-profit scientific research facility in the United States. They should not currently be in a training program.

2. The selection committee will consider most favorably applications that are creative, original, and hold the most promise in the areas of screening and early detection, etiology and prevention, molecular therapeutics, cancer biology and genetics.

3. The primary review criteria will be the likelihood that the investigators can leverage this funding to establish a research team capable of performing high-impact research and competing successfully for additional funding.

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